3 days ago I started my 1st batch of "real" Dill Pickles. My recipe came Sandor Katz book "Wild Fermentation" ISBN 1-931498-23-7 No vinegar to create the sour, it comes naturally when you allow the pickles to ferment in a salt brine. It was very easy, I layered the bottom of my crock with oak leaves, then added fresh dill from my herb garden (I added more dill that his recipe called for - just because we love dill) I tossed in the garlic cloves and then about 5 lbs of cleaned baby pickles. (I also cut the blossom end off because I read somewhere that can contribute to the pickles going soft) I dissolved the salt ( a little less than he called for) in filtered water. Poured it over the cucumbers, added a few more flowering dill heads and oak leaves, weighted it down to keep the cucs under the brine and covered the crock with a dish towel secured with a big rubber band. Below is Sandor's recipe Timeframe: 1-4 weeks Special Equipment: * Ceramic crock or food-gr...
Original art by Dove Cochrane. I have really great art posted here, and some crappy “learning experience “ art. (Just to show the creative waters don’t part every time we artists lay our bursh to canvas.) Along with my art, which I hope you will love, you’ll find a bunch of words written by me about art and my life experiences, poetry, and opinions. If you’re interested in a particular painting please email me and we can talk privately about price.