FedEx dropped off a couple of packages today...Our dog "alerted" me with his explosive barking, actually he startled the begeebers outta me. I assumed it was shoes we ordered for a Tai-Chi class and was happy to think we would have them before our first lesson. I was totally surprised when the FedEx guy hauled out a one big box and one smaller box. My husband had secretly ordered a squirrel-proof birdfeeder pole, I thought ohhh my gosh, how sweet. Still thinking the small box was our shoes, I brought it in the house and opened it, only to find another box inside labeled; "Cool Cat Feeder". I thought Ohhh my gosh nooo, I hope it's not one of those "cat with an open mouth bird feeder", how am I going to act like I love one of those goofy things. I felt like an ungrateful shit even thinking like that way, but as crappy as it is, that's what I thought. I despise hokey garden art... sorry folks but that's just me. With dread I opened the...
Original art by Dove Cochrane. I have really great art posted here, and some crappy “learning experience “ art. (Just to show the creative waters don’t part every time we artists lay our bursh to canvas.) Along with my art, which I hope you will love, you’ll find a bunch of words written by me about art and my life experiences, poetry, and opinions. If you’re interested in a particular painting please email me and we can talk privately about price.