I Will Always Remember Puerto Rico The Puerto Rico effect begins and ends with startling blue water and swaying coconut palms, falling asleep to jungle sounds, and rain suddenly bursting through windows and open doors sounding like a thousand horses in full gallop. Puerto Rico is a green enormous wet. Even without an inkling of Spanish I believe people would guess that the name Puerto Rico means Port Something; the literal translation is Rich Port due to the plentiful gold found in the rivers that empty into the sea. From its tropical beauty to its friendly atmosphere, Puerto Rico is rich in so many ways. To me the place is more than a happy memory and more than its name. Puerto Rico is equal to the feeling it produces. Puerto Rico is easy. It’s easy on the spirit. It is easy on being. There are places in everyone’s life that they will never forget. Then there are Puerto Rico places where the history of our experience is so extraordinary the memory of that place becomes a tote...
Original art by Dove Cochrane. I have really great art posted here, and some crappy “learning experience “ art. (Just to show the creative waters don’t part every time we artists lay our bursh to canvas.) Along with my art, which I hope you will love, you’ll find a bunch of words written by me about art and my life experiences, poetry, and opinions. If you’re interested in a particular painting please email me and we can talk privately about price.