I keep thinking I should write something... after all, when asked, I tell people I'm a writer, I tell them I'm an unknown poet, I do not mention that underneath it all I'm confident that after my death I will acquire the fame I so richly deserved but did not achieve during my life. (As a writer I must confess that is one hell of a "run-on sentence" the kind your elementary school teacher warned you about, and I don't even care.) My sister wants to change her name to Cher Nobel, because she is in constant mental meltdown, I say at least she still has her wit. My daughter who is " undiagnosed " lives in constant pain , we really don't fully know why, she also lives 2500 miles away and needs me.... I can do nothing physically to help her. That causes my heart pain. I hear though the family grapevine that when my oldest son drinks too much, he tells my youngest son what a horrible woman he (the younger one) is married to. That hurts my heart too. My...
Original art by Dove Cochrane. I have really great art posted here, and some crappy “learning experience “ art. (Just to show the creative waters don’t part every time we artists lay our bursh to canvas.) Along with my art, which I hope you will love, you’ll find a bunch of words written by me about art and my life experiences, poetry, and opinions. If you’re interested in a particular painting please email me and we can talk privately about price.