Recently a guy standing in queue at the grocers blamed drinking from Styrofoam cups provided by his work for making him sick. He went on to say it had to be chemicals leached from the Styrofoam (or the dandelion greens salad he had for dinner the night before). I was privy to detailed description of the symptoms, a horrible stomach ache with "terrible lower abdominal cramping" and "gas or diarrhea cramps without the gas or the diarrhea". He was sure something had poisoned him, either E. coli on the greens or Styrofoam chemicals. What is wrong with people now days? Why would Joe Schmo in the grocery store tell me about his bowels? Why is it that after 20 years, once we find that Styrofoam is not so great a choice for food storage do we suddenly become sick? Why didn't he suffer for years with "gas or diarrhea cramps without the gas or the diarrhea" from Styrofoam without ever knowing why? Furthermore Joe Schmo, why do you think that just because the ...
Original art by Dove Cochrane. I have really great art posted here, and some crappy “learning experience “ art. (Just to show the creative waters don’t part every time we artists lay our bursh to canvas.) Along with my art, which I hope you will love, you’ll find a bunch of words written by me about art and my life experiences, poetry, and opinions. If you’re interested in a particular painting please email me and we can talk privately about price.